A special Impeachment Front Porch. With all the news breaking today, it was time to turn the group’s attention to questions of Impeachment, the evidence for it and the procedure of it. Also: Ivanka goes to a Religious Freedom Conference at the UN. One may only wonder what Mother Pence must have thought.
Dr Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Tuesday, 24 September 2019
We welcome you back after our brief hiatus to another program that’s isn’t only history, but a discussion on Civics and how history is perceived in and out of the classroom. While our text books only teach a somewhat distorted view of history as it occurred, it stands to reason that history is only as good as the person writing the book. This is why we need to refer to source materials.
We’ll be covering the information that’s in Dr. Obrien’s lectures on the Constitution, the Confederation period and the Declaration of Independence. Let’s discuss what’s made our country and compare it to what’s taking place now and see where it leads us.
Again, thank you for your support of this program.
Moran Monday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 23 September 2019
“And a little child shall lead them.” Greta Thunberg called out every hydrocarbon moran on Planet Earth today. Later in the program, and other delightful conversation with Dan Fisher as he celebrates his first birthday with his new heart . . . and it’s a big, good one.
Friday-on-the-Front Porch, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 20 September 2019
The revelations continue to dribble out of Nitwit Nero’s maladministration about the sleazy, crooked business with Ukraine. Chlaymydia Claudius rents the U.S. military to the barbarians in Saudi Arabia. Climate Strike brings out millions to demand a future for our species.
Thorn-in-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 19 September 2019
Naturally, everyone is talking about the more-and-more obvious fact that Nitwit Nero is a foreign asset; but there’s another issue begging for attention that is being serially ignored: the UAW strike against GM. Gee! I wonder why that might be? Also: the curse upon humanity that is the Anti-vaxxer movement.
Prayer Meetin’ Wednesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 18 September 2019
The Cathedral sound system was on the fritz, but we got through without the usual hymn. A little real news and then off to the races with the Religion Industry goons. Everything from good, Christian child sexual abuse to “The Deplorable Choir,” to a Deep State Conspiracy at the blood bank. Oh, and an Assembly of Gawd exorcism.
Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 17 September 2019
The Lewandowski Circus came to the House Judiciary Committee. Hilarity did NOT ensue. “Plastics” was the memorable line from “The Graduate.” It may also be our achilles heel. Well, that and carbon. Here, little unborn baby, let’s start your life with plastic poison and carbon.
Moran Monday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 16 September 2019
“Head for the hills or you’ll be up to your armpits in morans!”
Ben Shapiro yearns to know what a penis looks like. China has a FART Telescope. Vicious Saudi Princess gets convicted in France. Saudis attempt to get U.S. to do its military dirty work, just like it does with workers it brings in from other countries and enslaves. No one with a functioning brain believes Mike Pompeo (he graduated first in his class at West Point, you know). Nitwit Nero says he’ll fight for the Saudis because they “pay cash.” Oh, and Mother Russia had a virus storage facility blow up . . . where they kept smallpox and ebola. Too, also: Corn Pop!
Friday-on-the-Front-Porch, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 13 September 2019
We learned things in the latest Democratic Pageant we might well wish we hadn’t.
Thorn-in-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 12 September 2019
It’s Pageant Night in Murca! Anyone tuning in to it who thinks it’s substantive doesn’t understand the transactional nature of the process. I can prove it.
Prayer Meetin’ Wednesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 11 September 2019
Jerry Junior just can’t shut up. Now he’s entered the realm of slander and intimidation. Compared to Jesse Lee and E-Dub, though, he’s downright mild. Somebody pass the snake!
Dr Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Wednesday, 11 September 2019
Turning back to our domestic situation, Dr Bill examines the chaos surrounding the Bolton firing. In the second hour, a deep dive into Senator Bernie Sanders’ proposals relative to Labor and Healthcare with a realpolitik comprehension of how they will be portrayed by the GOP.
Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 10 September 2019
Exploding locomotive. School kids “joking” about guns in school. A sick man who wasn’t kidding. A grift that masquerades as a school and it’s head man who masquerades as a human being. And a Becki. And all before we really get into the day’s ration of madness from King Don. Wow. BONUS: a mini-HORN-In breaks out in San Diego!
Dr Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Tuesday, 10 September 2019
A conversation with the encyclopedic Dr. Kevin Shanley on the unrest in Hong Kong and the predicament in which Xi Jin Ping finds himself. You’ll never find this depth of analysis among the ForProfit Media.
Moran Monday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 9 September 2019
What a weekend! It was a Trumpalanche of Stupid, a Trumpcano of white (and I do mean “white”) hot MAGAma. So we examine the question of what’s wrong with his mind and how we talk about it without being hurtful to others. “Come Mr. Taliban, sign a deal with Donnie.” Holy Mother of Nothing, the malevolent disordered mind he has! and what a groveling lot of things he has surrounding him. It takes a special level of dumb to start a fight with Chrissy Teigen . . .
Dr Bill Obrien’s Virtual Civics, Monday, 9 September 2019
We spent today’s program reviewing just how much can go wrong in just a few days. Everything from “Sharpie Gate” and tracking a storm that just won’t roll your way, to how much it costs to ensure that the legal system finds favor for you and your cause depending on your pocketbook. Join us tomorrow for a discussion with Dr. Kevin Shanley!
We look forward to hearing your thoughts on the subjects as well and contact information is in the beginning of the program.
Friday-on-the-Front Porch, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 6 September 2019
Day 6: Captain Queeg is still ranting about the strawberries. I sure wish this movie would get to the part where, under a withering cross-examination, he falls apart on the stand. All we need now are the steel balls. Maybe the sharpie’s doing stunt double work for them.
Thorn-in-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With BOb Kincaid, 5 Spetember 2019
Sharpiegate . . . the stupidity continues. Nitwit Nero finds a weather map patsy. More retailers decide guns aren’t good for the bottom line . . . MAGATS throw hissy in 3, 2, A great night for the ACHE Act!
Prayer Meetin’ Wednesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 4 September 2019
Glory! Hosannalujah! Just don’t leave your children alone with any “Christian” menfolk.
Trumptanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 3 September 2019
America is beset by a lack of morality and that’s why we have massacres. That, according to the white supremacist who runs the Fambly Reesearch Cownsil. National Ruble Association praises free market and then descries Wal-Mart’s free market decision on ammunition. Oh, and we missed another mass shooting.