Morona Monday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 9 November 2020

Morans! Get the spray! Moscow Mitch McConnell is among, if not THE, most evil thing ever to occupy and office in the government of the United States . . . and that includes Richard Nixon. Trump’s lawyers REALLY suck. Among other things, they’ve offered a random post-it note as evidence of voter fraud. Reminder: the Georgia run-offs are January 5, 2021. MAGAT truckers plan strike. This is because they are also morans. Yale scholar echoes things Dr Bill has been talking about for over a decade. Vaccine? What vaccine? After tomorrow, JusticeHandmaid will be one step closer to being a handmaid to taking healthcare away from tens of millions of Americans.

We have $170 to go to finish Monday. All help is good help!