Oof. It’s Lincoln’s birthday. What’s left to celebrate as a racist dweeb takes a meataxe to American republican democracy. Fascism wants us to feel defeated. We must not. Every act of resistance adds to the quantum of resistance that will eventually lead to the demise of the fascists. And a little child shall lead them: “You’re not the president. You need to leave!”
Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 11 February 2025
Leon’s Skumboiz set their sights on Parkersburg, WV and the Bureau Of the Public Debt. Leon-the-Unelected, however, was in DC, where he told the MAGATS he’s gonna screw them harder than they ever imagined. Nancy Mace melts down under the protection of legislative immunity. Too, also: Storytime.
Moran Monday, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 10 February 2025
SuperBowl Morans Edition. Nitwit Nero gets boo’d, runs away early. The Trump Curse even touched the Chiefs. The crackdown on the NIH is hammering MAGAT state medical institutions. Hundreds of thousands of those “good payin’ jawwwwbs” headed down the MAGAT drain. Alabama, North Carolina, and more to come. VP Guyliner says the courts can’t constrain Tangerine Tiberius.
Friday-On-the-Front-Porch, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 7 February 2025
Nitwit Nero declares himself chairman of the Kennedy Center Board. Those Lee Greenwood concerts are gonna be EPIC! The Felon-In-Chief also rescinded President Biden’s security clearance. Like I’ve long said, Julius Geezer is nothing but a shambling wad of adipose jealousies and petty grievances. He keeps losing in court on his idiotic EOs. And Leon Skum’s neo-maxi zoom dweebies are into the nuclear secrets at the DoE.
Thorn-In-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 6 February 2025
Thunderstorms last night. Upload failed amid power outages.
Mid-week Mania, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 5 February 2025
Nitwit Nero gets enjoined again. Resistance takes time. The attacker always has the early advantage. It doesn’t always last. Being Wednesday, it’s time for my weekly conversation with Tara Devlin of TaraBuster. These conversations are always electric!
Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 4 February 2025
50 days and counting. Blitzkrieg. Von Schlieffen’s Plan. Goddamned Nazis. Say the Word: FASCIST.
It’s not like they won’t stop doing it now. But SAY IT!
Moran Monday, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 3 February 2025
The robbery is taking place in plain sight. Full fascism took fifty-three days the last time anyone tried it. The MAGATS are aiming to beat the record. The super-awesome-amazing bidnissman got his lunch taken from him by both Canada and Mexico. Tulsi Gabbard perjured herself, not that any MAGATS will mind. Whalehead Deadbear Brainworm has a settlement and an NDA in his background from some level of inappropriate behavior (wanna bet it was from that nanny he perved on?). Some Dems are beginning to explore how to fight back. NY AG Laetitia James knows how and showed hosptial executives today.
Friday-On-the-Front-Porch, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 31 Januray 2025
It’s getting harder and harder to watch the failure of every guardrail we once thought democracy had. America is under siege and half the country is still focused on eggs. For others of us, though, it’s a bit more serious and has a certain musical accompaniment. America is under attack. Period.
Thorn-In-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 30 January 2025
The death of decency in America is such an awful thing to behold. Nitwit Nero takes vulgarity to new lows as he desperately seeks to evade even the most minimal sense of duty in the wake of the horror over the skies of D.C. Meanwhile, a series of confirmation hearings puts on bold display the essential sickness that’s a pre-requisite to hold a position in this sickening maladministration.
Pray Louder Wednesday, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 29 January 2025
OMG. Howsoever awful we thought Whalehead Deadbear Brainworm might be . . . he’s exponentially worse. He’s gonna do Daddy’s bidding no matter what and, like any MAGAT nominee. But JFC, What a grifter!
At least I had Tara to help me through the madness.
We can finish January (miraculously) fully funded if we can raise $1,010 in the next three programs. If you value independent progressive broadcasting, you can help by hitting the PayPal button at HeadOn.Live. You have the gratitude of the whole community.
Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 28 January 2025
Medicaid deliberately sent into chaos. Army gets sideways and shuts down its contracting programs. TB erupts in Kansas. Meals On Wheels in jeopardy. CNN’s most respected anchor hangs it up . . . with a warning and a plea while the network’s house MAGAT defends Leon Skum’s Nazi salute. Gets called out and dragged.
We need to raise $1,400 to finish January without a deficit hanging over our head in February. If you’re able, please use the PayPal button at HeadOn.Live. Thanks for supporting independent progressive media that’s been on-air just four years short of the entire century!
Moran Monday, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 27 January 2025
Jeeeeezuss, it’s gonna be morans all the way down!
Friday-On-the-Front-Porch, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 24 January 2025
ICE Stormtroopers attack a Chicago elementary school. Officials stood their ground and rebuffed them. Orange Julius Geezer wants coal-fired AI. I wish I was making this up. Good-bye passports for anyone not cis. Serial sexual abuser Pete Hogsbreath draws nearer confirmation (as of this writing, he was confirmed. JFC). The cornpone version of George Santos wants Daddy to be able to run again (as if that human pile of wreckage would even be able).
It’s one of those brutal times when we really need to be fully funded. The deficit on Monday stands at $1,225. Please support independent broadcasting. Please?
Thorn-In-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 23 January 2025
President Felon apparently can’t fly abroad yet. You KNOW he wanted to be shambling-about amongst his betters in Davos. You KNOW he did! But he can’t leave. He’s an unsteady, unstable Caesar. Iupiter alone knows what’s hiding behind all those drapes in the White House. He couldn’t trust anyone the first time and he can trust even fewer now. Best part is: HE knows it. And he stays home . . . and LEON stays home.
And today, well, today, that judge in Seattle told him “No!” Not just any judge . . . a RAYGUN judge . . . told Veruco Saltine he could not, in fact, have it all.
You know he hates all this. This is how it all goes down. He must do this . . . because doom comes otherwise.
Ohhhhh, Oedipus! Oh, Kreon!
Pray Louder Wednesday, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 22 January 2025
When one hears the way Nitwit Nero talks about women, one cannot help wondering how his filthy klansman daddy spoke to his mama. After all, it all begins in the home.Megyn “White Jesus” Kelly slut-shames Jeff Bezos’ fiance. Orange Julius Geezer pardons a pair of killer cops. Congresses passes law to round up innocent immigrants. Fascism: soaking in it.
The Titanic, Forgotten. Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 21 January 2025
Day One of the DickTatorship was a doozy. Happy, unhappy MAGATS began their triumph shrieking about how Leon Skum dint-not-neither give no Nazi salute and stop saying that! Nitwit Nero not “excited” by humble ceremony of prayer and supplication. Oh, how the demons are going to shriek as they fly about his ears when, having lost his mind to dementia, he goes to his long home in Hell!
MLK Day Monday, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid, 20 January 2025
Happy MLK Day, y’all! Everything he did and said in his foreshortened young life was more important than every word that vomitted forth from all the fascists assembled today in D.C. Fascists? Why, yes! Leon Skum gave an unabshed nazi salute and, being a vulgar little troll, knew exactly what he was doing, even did it twice.
Be strong, friends and neighbors. If for nother reason than pure spite, we WILL survive!
Friday-On-the-Front-Porch, Head-ON With Roxanne Kincaid 17 January 2025
Here we are, babies: the last Friday in a Constitutional Republic. How did y’all like it? I was fond of it. My predecessors fought and bled and died for it. Now, it was all for naught. Sucks to see Lady Liberty lying in her own blood of wounds she took from her own children, huh? “Et tu, MAGAT?” Oh, well! Enjoy your indoor COVID superspreader event, Geezer Disgustus! Does Whalehead Deadbear Brainworm know you’ve been getting the jab all along? It never ends well for fascists, and boy, you’re not immune. Your own puppet Congress is already falling apart.
Who’s in charge of the popcorn Monday?
(Oh, the thorns!) Thorn-In-the-Side-Thursday, Head-0N With Roxanne Kincaid, 16 January 2025
NGL. These days kinda suck. All we can do is pay attention to self-care.
Meanwhile, the MAGATS are running wild . . . over the country and especially D.C.
And a fatigued, compliant Congress can barely catch her breath.