Titanic Tuesday, Head-ON With Robyn Kincaid, 4 June 2024

125 years ago today, Congress decided women should be able to VOTE. 125 years later, as the dissent in Dobbs says, “women have no rights to speak of.” It’s not an accident. 

Eric Swalwell trolls MAGA during hearing.

During a recent hearing where Attorney General Merrick Garland testified, Democratic Congressman Eric Swalwell took the opportunity to troll MAGA supporters. Swalwell, known for his outspoken criticism of the Trump administration and its supporters, used the platform to mock and ridicule those who still cling to the debunked conspiracy theories and misinformation spread by the former president.

Swalwell’s trolling of MAGA was a bold and calculated move, designed to highlight the absurdity and ignorance of those who continue to support Trump and his divisive rhetoric. By poking fun at the “pink tomato noses” of MAGA supporters, Swalwell was able to draw attention to the ridiculousness of their beliefs and the harm they have caused to our democracy.

This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of holding those in power accountable and challenging misinformation and lies. Swalwell’s actions during the hearing were a clear example of using humor and satire to combat ignorance and falsehoods, and to shine a light on the dangerous consequences of blindly following a demagogue.

In a time when truth and facts are under constant attack, it is crucial for lawmakers like Swalwell to stand up and speak out against those who seek to undermine our democracy. By trolling MAGA during the hearing, Swalwell not only exposed the absurdity of their beliefs but also reminded us of the importance of critical thinking and holding our leaders accountable.

In conclusion, Eric Swalwell’s trolling of MAGA during the hearing was a bold and necessary act in the fight against misinformation and ignorance. It serves as a reminder of the power of humor and satire in challenging falsehoods and holding those in power accountable. As we continue to navigate a political landscape filled with division and deception, it is essential that we support lawmakers like Swalwell who are willing to speak truth to power and stand up for what is right.

Political cult hypocrisy exposed.

Robyn highlights the hypocrisy and inconsistencies of politicians who blindly support their leader, even in the face of glaring contradictions and wrongdoing. The speaker points out how certain politicians exhibit cult-like behavior by ignoring facts, defending criminal actions, and prioritizing loyalty over truth.

One example given is the case of Jim Jordan, who is criticized for his unwavering support of a president with felony convictions that prevent him from traveling to numerous countries. The speaker also calls out politicians who claim to support law enforcement but are quick to turn on them when it suits their agenda. These examples shed light on the dangerous consequences of blind loyalty and the erosion of ethical standards in politics.

The transcript also humorously references a classic song listing countries of the world to highlight the absurdity of the situation. The mention of Czechoslovakia, which no longer exists, adds a touch of irony to the discussion of outdated beliefs and practices in politics.

The essay concludes by praising Eric Swalwell’s boldness in calling out the hypocrisy and misinformation spread by MAGA supporters. Swalwell’s use of humor and satire serves as a powerful tool in challenging falsehoods and holding politicians accountable for their actions. In a political landscape filled with division and deception, it is crucial to support lawmakers who are willing to speak truth to power and stand up for what is right.

Defending integrity of our system.

Hose Speaker, “Mullah Moses” Mike Johnson discusses the importance of defending the integrity of our system in the face of recent events surrounding President Trump. Johnson expresses concern about the erosion of faith in our institutions due to what he perceives as desperate actions by activist prosecutors and the Democratic Party to stop Trump. He argues that this goes beyond just the president and his cases, but strikes at the core of our nation’s foundation.

Johnson’s sentiments are echoed by listener, Micah, who agrees that the stakes are high and that it is crucial to address the current situation through various approaches, including the appropriations process, legislative process, bills, and oversight. The need to defend the integrity of our system is emphasized as a vital task that should concern every individual.

However, the essay takes a critical stance towards Johnson’s views, calling out his misinformation and hypocrisy. The essay praises Eric Swalwell for his boldness in challenging falsehoods and holding politicians like Johnson accountable for their actions. Swalwell’s use of humor and satire is highlighted as a powerful tool in challenging deception and promoting truth in a political landscape filled with division.

In conclusion, Robyn emphasizes the importance of supporting lawmakers who are willing to speak truth to power and stand up for what is right. In a time where misinformation and hypocrisy are rampant, it is crucial to defend the integrity of our system by holding politicians accountable and promoting transparency and honesty in governance. Swalwell’s approach serves as a model for how to challenge falsehoods and uphold the values of democracy and justice.

Merrick Garland fact checks MAGATS.

We witness Merrick Garland, the Attorney General of the United States, fact-checking lawmakers who are referred to as “MAGATS” by Robyn. The term “MAGATS” is used to describe certain members of Congress who are perceived as dishonest, hypocritical, and disrespectful towards the rule of law and the principles of justice, and more generally to describe the members of the Trump cult of personality.

One particular incident highlighted in the transcript involves a lawmaker from Oregon, Cliff Bentz, who questions Garland about the independence of state prosecutors. Bentz insinuates that state prosecutors are not truly independent because they allegedly coordinated with federal officials during investigations. Garland, however, quickly corrects Bentz’s misinformation by pointing out that the allegations are baseless and lack any evidence to support them.

Throughout the exchange, Garland demonstrates his knowledge of legal principles and his commitment to upholding the integrity of the justice system. He challenges the false narratives presented by lawmakers and holds them accountable for spreading misinformation. By fact-checking the lawmakers in real-time, Garland exposes their lack of understanding of legal matters and their attempts to manipulate the truth for political gain.

The podcast highlights the importance of having lawmakers like Merrick Garland who are willing to speak truth to power and defend the principles of justice. Garland’s actions serve as a reminder of the need to support individuals in positions of authority who are committed to upholding the rule of law and ensuring accountability in government.

In conclusion, the essay emphasizes the importance of supporting lawmakers who are willing to speak truth to power and stand up for what is right. In a time where misinformation and hypocrisy are rampant, it is crucial to defend the integrity of our system by holding politicians accountable and promoting transparency and honesty in governance. Swalwell’s approach serves as a model for how to challenge falsehoods and uphold the values of democracy and justice.

One tier justice system concerns.

The podcast transcript highlights concerns about a potential “two-tier justice system” where certain individuals, particularly former President Trump, may be treated differently by the legal system. The conversation between the host and the guest, Representative Bents, raises questions about fairness, transparency, and accountability in the application of justice.

One of the key issues raised in the discussion is the idea that powerful individuals may receive preferential treatment or face undue scrutiny based on their status. The mention of DA Willis hiring a friend to prosecute President Trump, as well as potential interactions with the Biden White House, raises concerns about impartiality and conflicts of interest in legal proceedings.

The guest, Representative Bents, expresses his worries about a potential double standard in the justice system, where different rules may apply to different individuals based on their political affiliations or social standing. This raises questions about the fundamental principles of justice, equality, and due process that should underpin our legal system.

The conversation also touches on the best evidence rule and the importance of upholding standards of evidence in legal proceedings. The guest’s reference to Rule 1002 and discussions about “best evidence” highlight the need for transparency, accuracy, and integrity in the handling of evidence and information in court cases.

Overall, the concerns raised in the podcast transcript underscore the importance of upholding the principles of justice, fairness, and equality in our legal system. It is essential for lawmakers, prosecutors, and judges to adhere to these principles and ensure that all individuals are treated fairly and equally under the law.

In conclusion, the essay emphasizes the importance of supporting lawmakers who are willing to speak truth to power and stand up for what is right. In a time where misinformation and hypocrisy are rampant, it is crucial to defend the integrity of our system by holding politicians accountable and promoting transparency and honesty in governance. Swalwell’s approach serves as a model for how to challenge falsehoods and uphold the values of democracy and justice.

Best evidence rule not applicable.

The podcast transcript provides a lively and humorous discussion about the Best Evidence Rule and its applicability in a congressional hearing. The Best Evidence Rule, as reflected in Rule 1003 of the Federal Rules of Evidence, states that duplicates of original documents are admissible for all purposes unless there is a genuine dispute about their authenticity.

In the podcast, the speakers engage in a playful debate about the rule, with one character jokingly referencing different rules and products to highlight the confusion surrounding the issue. Despite the light-hearted tone, the underlying message is clear: the Best Evidence Rule is not applicable in this case because there is no genuine dispute about the authenticity of the transcripts being presented.

The speakers also touch on the importance of transparency and honesty in governance, particularly when it comes to holding politicians accountable for their actions. They highlight the need for lawmakers to speak truth to power and challenge falsehoods, even in the face of opposition.

Overall, the podcast serves as a reminder of the importance of upholding the values of democracy and justice, and the role that lawmakers play in ensuring transparency and accountability in government. By defending the integrity of our system and promoting honesty and transparency, we can work towards a more just and equitable society.

Legal education is critically important.

Legal education is critically important in ensuring that individuals have a clear understanding of the laws and regulations that govern our society. The podcast highlights how misinformation and ignorance about legal processes can lead to confusion and chaos, as seen in the example of the individual who claimed to be a police officer but lacked a basic understanding of how trials work.

Legal education is not just important for individuals working within the legal system, such as lawyers and judges, but for all members of society. Understanding the legal system helps individuals navigate their rights and responsibilities, and empowers them to advocate for justice and fairness. Without a basic understanding of legal principles, individuals may fall victim to misinformation and manipulation, as seen in the example of the individual who was swayed by lies and misinformation about a political candidate.

Moreover, legal education plays a crucial role in upholding the rule of law and ensuring accountability in government. By being informed about legal processes, individuals can hold their leaders accountable for their actions and demand transparency and honesty in government proceedings. The podcast highlights how misinformation and ignorance can lead to a breakdown in trust in the legal system, as seen in the example of individuals mocking and criticizing a political leader for a condition beyond his control.

In conclusion, legal education is critically important in promoting a just and equitable society. By equipping individuals with the knowledge and understanding of legal principles, we can work towards upholding the values of democracy and justice, and ensuring transparency and accountability in government. It is essential that all members of society have a basic understanding of legal processes to advocate for their rights and hold their leaders accountable for their actions.

Department of Justice is impartial.

The Department of Justice is often seen as a pillar of impartiality in the United States legal system. As demonstrated in the podcast transcript, the Department of Justice has consistently pursued criminal charges against individuals regardless of their party affiliation. The cases of George Papadopoulos, Michael Cohen, Roger Stone, Elliot Broidy, and others show that the Department of Justice has not been weaponized to target specific individuals based on their political connections.

The fact that these individuals, who were closely associated with former President Donald Trump, were convicted under the administration of three Republican attorneys general, each of whom was nominated by Trump himself, further underscores the impartiality of the Department of Justice. The law applies equally to all individuals, regardless of their status or connections.

The podcast also highlights the importance of upholding the rule of law and the principle that no one is above it. The Department of Justice’s commitment to prosecuting individuals who have committed crimes, including those close to the former president, demonstrates that justice is blind and does not show favoritism based on political affiliations.

Furthermore, the podcast addresses the issue of individuals attempting to discredit President Joe Biden based on his stuttering problem. It is despicable to attack someone for a personal struggle they have overcome, and it is a reminder that individuals should be judged based on their actions and character, not on personal challenges they have faced.

In conclusion, the Department of Justice’s impartiality is a cornerstone of the American legal system. By upholding the rule of law and prosecuting individuals who have committed crimes, regardless of their political connections, the Department of Justice plays a crucial role in ensuring justice and accountability in society. It is essential that all individuals, including leaders and public officials, are held accountable for their actions, and the Department of Justice’s commitment to impartiality is a key component in upholding the values of democracy and justice in the United States.

Embarrassing behavior in Congress.

Embarrassing behavior in Congress is unfortunately not a new phenomenon. The transcript of the podcast highlights several instances of lawmakers engaging in behavior that is unprofessional, disrespectful, and ultimately embarrassing to the institution of Congress and to the American people.

One example that stands out is the mocking of a person with a stutter. This behavior is not only insensitive and disrespectful, but it also reflects a lack of empathy and understanding towards individuals with disabilities. Making fun of someone’s speech impediment is not only inappropriate, but it also undermines the dignity and respect that should be afforded to all individuals, regardless of their differences.

Another example of embarrassing behavior in Congress is the grandstanding and aggressive questioning of witnesses by certain lawmakers. Instead of engaging in a constructive and respectful dialogue, some lawmakers choose to yell, interrupt, and berate witnesses, creating a hostile and unproductive atmosphere. This type of behavior not only reflects poorly on the individuals involved, but it also detracts from the important issues being discussed and undermines the credibility of Congress as a whole.

Additionally, the refusal to provide information and cooperate with investigations, as seen in the exchange between lawmakers and the Department of Justice, is another example of embarrassing behavior in Congress. Transparency and accountability are essential principles in a democratic society, and when lawmakers refuse to provide information and obstruct investigations, they are failing to uphold these principles and eroding public trust in the government.

Overall, embarrassing behavior in Congress undermines the integrity and effectiveness of the legislative branch. It reflects a lack of professionalism, respect, and accountability among lawmakers, and it ultimately detracts from the important work that Congress is tasked with doing on behalf of the American people. It is crucial that lawmakers hold themselves to a higher standard of conduct and work towards fostering a more respectful and productive political environment for the benefit of all citizens.

Conspiracy theories and political donations.

In the podcast transcript provided, the discussion revolves around conspiracy theories and political donations, highlighting the potential for unethical behavior and the impact it can have on public perception and trust in government officials. The conversation delves into the notion of coordinated lawfare against Trump being labeled as a conspiracy theory, and the request for documents and correspondence to prove or disprove this theory.

The conversation takes a turn when the issue of political donations by federal judges is brought up, with one participant noting the federal rule that prohibits federal judges from making contributions to partisan candidates. The discussion then shifts to the appearance of impropriety and the potential consequences of engaging in political donations as a federal judge.

The podcast also touches on personal behavior and interactions between individuals, with references to a feud between neighbors of a Supreme Court Justice and his wife. The behavior described, including spitting at neighbors and displaying contentious signs, reflects poorly on the individuals involved and raises questions about their professionalism and ethics.

Overall, the podcast highlights the importance of transparency, accountability, and ethical behavior in politics and government. Conspiracy theories and unethical actions, such as engaging in partisan political donations as a federal judge, can erode trust in the political system and undermine the integrity of elected officials. It is essential for lawmakers and public officials to uphold high standards of conduct and prioritize the interests of the public they serve. By promoting transparency, accountability, and ethical behavior, politicians can work towards fostering a more respectful and productive political environment for the benefit of all citizens.